In 2 Corinthians 4:4-6, Paul mentions a spiritual battle that is constantly waging. This battle is between the little “g” god of this age – Satan – and the BIG “G” God who is over ALL things. This is a battle that we - the church - have lost sight of BUT ALSO find ourselves right in the middle of this battle. Prosperity, ease and internal conflict [against flesh and blood] have found themselves imbedded in the mindset of the church and we are not prepared to battle. So, the church is at a crossroads and must answer 2 crucial questions:
Will we indulge ourselves in the peaceful comforts of the world?
Or, will we prepare ourselves to battle the spiritual forces that fight against the spread of the gospel?
Group Leader Resources
Session 1: Intro & Understanding the Great Battle
Session 2: Understanding the Unseen Battle in the Old Testament
Session 3: Understanding the Unseen Battle in the New Testament
Session 4: Understanding the Spiritual World: Angels
Session 5: Understanding the Spiritual World: Fallen Angels
Session 6: Fight!: Keep Your Armor On | Ephesians 6:10-12 Part 1
Session 7: Fight!: Keep Your Armor On | Ephesians 6:13-15 Part 2
Session 8: Fight!: Keep Your Armor On | Ephesians 6:16-18 Part 3