1 - Introduction
What is apologetics and why is it important? Learn different apologetic methods and think about the nature of belief.
2 - Truth
What people believe should be based on truth. Learn basics of epistemology and truths about truth.
3 - Truth (part 2)
How do you discover what is true? Learn the building blocks and foundations of truth.
4 - Tactics
How one delivers Truth matters for how the other person receives the Truth. Learn tactics to share your faith and have meaningful discussions.
5 - Cosmological Argument
Why is there something rather than nothing? Learn from the beginning of the universe how we can know that God exists,
6 - Teleological Argument
Why is there such a complex design to the universe and human life? Learn from this fine-tuning how we can know God exists.
7 - Moral Argument
Why is there a fundamental sense of right and wrong? Learn from the moral argument how we can know God exists.
8 - The Problem of Evil
Since evil exists, how do you account for God's attributes of being all-powerful and all-good? What if you can't see any good come out of evil and suffering? Why wouldn't God just create us without the possibility of bringing sin and suffering into the world?
9 - The Resurrection
The most important question every person must answer is “Did Jesus rise from the dead?” The entire Christian faith hinges on that one point. How do you know Jesus really rose from the dead?
10 - Reliability of the New Testament
How do you know we have the accurate Word of God? What about errors in transmission of the Bible? Learn how to defend the reliability of our New Testament.
11 - Reliability of the New Testament (part 2)
ow did we decide what 27 books should comprise our New Testament? How do you know what the New Testament writers said is true? How do you know they didn’t embellish or exaggerate?